What Personal Information Do Food Delivery Drivers See About Customers?

A hesitation that many consumers have about using food delivery services is the feeling as though they have a lack of privacy. With this hesitation, it’s imperative to understand what each delivery service shares with their drivers as far as your personal information is concerned.
So, what personal information do food delivery drivers see about customers?
Food delivery drivers from GrubHub, Uber Eats, and DoorDash have access to the customer’s name and the delivery address. Once an order is delivered, the address is removed from the driver’s app. This maximizes privacy and ensures drivers and customers feel safe at all times during their delivery.
If you’ve ever hesitated to order from one of the above food delivery services due to privacy, this article will ease your mind.
Stick around to get all the information you need to further understand how much of your personal information is out there when ordering from these platforms.
Do Food Delivery Drivers See What You Ordered?
When a food delivery driver takes your order, they see what you ordered specifically.
Of course, they will know where you ordered from; however, the only personal information they’ll see is your name and the address they’re delivering the food.
In addition, drivers cannot access your order history.
This keeps the amount of money you’ve spent on the app, the restaurants you order from, and what you order completely private.
@DoorDash @DoorDash_Help You really should allow drivers to see and dispute individual customer ratings. I’m always on time and always double check orders, yet I have a 4.17 CR and no idea what I’m doing wrong, or if it’s just the customers being unreasonable. Please fix this.
— Roasty Toasty (@fridge_handle) May 29, 2020
Can Food Delivery Drivers See Your Rating?
Most delivery apps allow customers to rate drivers; however, drivers cannot see who gave them a specific rating.
Since the rating changes consistently based on the feedback they get, there would be almost no way for a driver to identify who left which rating.
Most of the time, a rating will change on a driver’s app right after they deliver to a customer, whereas other times, it can take up to a week to change.
This keeps all ratings confidential and avoids drivers or customers from having problems with one another.
This system has been adopted by all major food delivery services, including GrubHub, DoorDash, and Uber Eats.
One feature that sets Uber Eats apart from other delivery services is the ability to rate customers.
Uber Eats allows drivers to rate customers with a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” after the delivery is completed.
Can Food Delivery Drivers See How Much You Tip?
With all of the major food delivery services, your drivers will be able to see how much you tip. While this differs slightly between DoorDash, GrubHub, and Uber Eats, drivers can access how much each customer tips them at some point in their delivery.
For example, if you’re ordering from DoorDash, drivers will see how much you tip them when the delivery is complete.
Dashers see the breakdown of earnings after they complete the order, including how much each customer tipped them.
In addition, Uber Eats drivers can always see exactly how much they’ve been tipped, and the same goes for GrubHub.
If you’re concerned about your driver being able to see your tip, this may be an unavoidable issue.
Delivery drivers can see what tip each customer is offering before accepting an order or after completing the delivery.
PSA: when you order food online, delivery drivers can see what you pre authorize as a tip. If you don’t tip your food will take longer 🙂
— darling siren (@realityvsmaddie) August 22, 2016
Do Food Delivery Drivers See Tips Before Delivery?
Uber Eats and GrubHub drivers can see tips before accepting delivery orders.
On the other hand, DoorDash drivers will see the earnings breakdown, including tips, after completing the delivery.
In addition, since each driver knows what their base pay is without a tip, they can see how much tip the customer is offering.
For example, on DoorDash, the usual base pay per trip is between $2 and $4, depending on location.
So if a driver is logging onto the app and they see something for that amount, they’ll assume there’s no tip and may not take up that customer’s order.
Whereas if they see one that’s for $10, they’ll know the customer put in a large tip and will be more inclined to deliver your order.
This is the same when using Uber Eats or GrubHub. Your driver on both of these platforms will be able to see if you included a tip before delivery.
Therefore, if you’re looking to get your food as quickly as possible, including a tip will likely decrease the amount of time it takes for your food to arrive.
Otherwise, your order may get tossed around quite a bit before being picked up by a driver if you do not leave a tip.
Although this can feel uncomfortable for some customers who do not want their driver to see the tip before they deliver, the platforms are set up this way so that each driver can choose a delivery based on how much they’ll make.
This transparency is important for allowing each driver to pick and choose how much they’re going to make during their deliveries.
omg you know they know when you order frequently. Like I work at a restaurant that has door dash and we always see people’s names over and over again on the DoorDash tablet. Like we start to recognize names lol
— ???? (@taehynngkim) January 22, 2019
Can Restaurants See Your Name When You Order?
When ordering through DoorDash, GrubHub, or Uber Eats, you should expect the restaurant to see your name. With all three of these food delivery services, the restaurants gain access to your full name and order.
However, if you do not want the restaurant to be able to see the history of what you’ve ordered from them, you may be able to turn this off in your app settings.
The restaurants are required to get the name of each customer’s order so that they can properly get the order sent out to the driver who’s picking up your specific order.
Without a name, there is no way for restaurants to work with food delivery services effectively.
In this article, we covered how much information delivery drivers see about customers using the most popular delivery apps. We learned that when it comes to user privacy, food delivery services like GrubHub, Uber Eats, and DoorDash make it a priority.
Many customers have concerns about their address being given to people they do not know or have their food orders visible to several people in the process of getting a meal delivered.
Fortunately, these platforms have made it secure for both their drivers and customers to reduce any unnecessary information being shared.
By keeping ratings and order history private, customers can save as much of their personal information to themselves.
Likewise, drivers are kept safe by minimizing the information they know about each delivery and having each delivery address removed from their phones after completing the order.
For more information about food delivery services, check out the articles below.
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