Harris Teeter Pickup: How It Works and How to Order Using ExpressLane

Harris Teeter is a classic go-to store for buying all daily essentials, from groceries to household products. In addition, with their VIC program and deals, it can come at a very affordable price. Now, they’ve made shopping even easier with their pickup service.
You can order Harris Teeter pickup using the Harris Teeter app or the website. There is a $25 order minimum, and pickup is free for orders over $100. Harris Teeter pickup fees are $4.95 for orders $25- $49.99 and $2.95 for orders $50- $99.99. Harris Teeter accepts EBT for pickup, and tipping is not allowed.
In this article, we’ll cover how Harris Teeter pickup works, how to order from Harris Teeter online, whether you can use coupons, and more!
Need more time? Shop ExpressLane and make more time for the things you love. #HTExpressLane pic.twitter.com/gvCY2vyISI
— Harris Teeter (@HarrisTeeter) April 2, 2018
How Does Harris Teeter Pickup Work?
Harris Teeter’s pickup hours are from 9 am to 8 pm. Once you place your pickup, a personal shopper will start preparing your items. Then, when you arrive at your designated pickup time, you’ll simply call or push the button on the ExpressLane call box, and your order will be brought to your car.
To order groceries through ExpressLane, you can either call the Harris Teeter ExpressLane phone number (1-800-432-6111), use the Harris Teeter app, or simply order online on their website.
When you’re on the Harris Teeter website, you’ll have the option of selecting pickup or home delivery.
You’ll also be asked to enter your city, state, or zip code to find a location near you.
Once you’ve selected a location, you’ll be able to shop through Harris Teeter’s selection as usual. And when you’re finished adding things to your cart, just select the checkout button.
As you’re checking out, you’ll be asked to put in your payment information and select a timeslot for pickup.
Harris Teeter pickup hours are from 9 am to 8 pm, but you won’t be able to place a same-day pickup order after 3 pm.
You’ll also need to allow at least 4 hours between the time you order and the time slot you select for pickup.
After checkout is complete, you’ll receive a text message containing a link. Then, when you’re ready to pick up your order, click the link to let the store know you’re on your way.
Drive to the Harris Teeter location selected and find the pickup area in front of the store.
When you arrive, you’ll need to push the button on the ExpressLane call box (located in the pickup area) or call the phone number on the sign, and a store associate will bring your order to your car.
NO FEE week on #ExpressLane orders $100 or more! Start shopping: https://t.co/O0xJlgNYIE pic.twitter.com/NN1UsTGYMq
— Harris Teeter (@HarrisTeeter) August 22, 2016
How Much Does Harris Teeter Pickup Cost?
Harris Teeter has a $25 minimum order for pickup, and the pickup is free for orders over $100. For orders between $50 and $99.99, the pickup fee is $2.95, and the $4.95 pickup fee applies to orders between $25 and $49.99.
If you have an ExpressLane membership, Harris Teeter waives the pickup fee and $25 minimum order restriction.
Harris Teeter also has free pickup for seniors over 60 on Thursdays from 9 am- 2 pm.
When placing an order through ExpressLane, an estimated order total will be created at checkout.
However, the actual order total on your receipt may change based on substitutions and weighted items.
In addition, Harris Teeter may apply discounts and special sales like Buy 2 Get 3 Free on your final receipt.
Give the gift that keeps on giving. Gift your loved ones an ExpressLane subscription! Learn more here. https://t.co/RjJZ8fEQcK
— Harris Teeter (@HarrisTeeter) November 30, 2017
What Is Harris Teeter’s ExpressLane Membership?
ExpressLane Membership is Harris Teeter’s subscription program that waives service fees and the $25 minimum for online orders. It also allows shoppers to receive 2x Fuel Points and 5% off all Harris Teeter brands. ExpressLane membership costs $16.95 monthly or $99.95 annually.
Harris Teeter’s ExpressLane memberships give shoppers more chances to save.
Annual members receive extra benefits, such as half-priced home delivery, exclusive monthly manufacturer offers, and free meals twice a year on all ExpressLane purchases.
In addition, ExpressLane members earn double fuel points on purchases and receive a 5% discount on Harris Teeter brand items.
You can sign up for the ExpressLane membership for $16.95 per month or $99.95 per year.
How to Order from Harris Teeter Online
To order from Harris Teeter online, you must first create an account using the Harris Teeter website or the app. After selecting your nearest store location, you will reserve a pickup or delivery timeslot. After selecting your timeslot, add items to your cart and go through checkout to complete your order.
Here’s the step-by-step guide to ordering through the Harris Teeter app:
1. First, log in or create your account.
2. Make sure the correct location is selected in the top right corner of your screen.
3. Browse departments and add items to your cart, adjusting the quantity as necessary.
4. Select checkout.
5. Select whether you want substitutions so that out-of-stock products can be replaced with similar items.
6. Choose your pickup time and add any additional information.
7. Enter your payment information and place the order.
Can You Use Coupons for Harris Teeter Pickup?
You can use coupons for Harris Teeter pickup; however, they are only accepted at pickup time, so you cannot apply them to your order online. Instead, bring your coupons when picking up your order, and they will be applied to your next ExpressLane order.
When it comes to digital coupons, whether on an e-VIC account or not, you will need to print out the coupon and bring it to your pickup location, where they’ll be treated just like a regular coupon.
Keep in mind that your coupon credit will not be visible when you’re checking out your order. However, your printed receipt will reflect the coupon savings.
If you want to use a BOGO or B2G3 deal, you’ll need to add the total amount of products to your cart to get the deal.
For example, for a BOGO deal, you’ll need to add two products to your cart, and you’ll need to add all five products for the B2G3 (Buy Two Get Three) deal to be applied.
Some special deals like B2G3, ExpressLane Only Offers, and e-VIC savings may not be included in your estimated total online; however, the discounted prices will be included on your final receipt.
Can You Use EBT for Harris Teeter Pickup?
You can use your SNAP/EBT card for Harris Teeter pickup; however, WIC is not accepted. To pay with EBT, simply select it as a payment method at checkout. When you arrive at the Harris Teeter store to pick up your order, you will be asked to visit the customer service desk to enter your PIN and complete your EBT payment.
Customers can also use credit cards, debit cards, and Harris Teeter Charge Cards for online orders.
Harris Teeter also accepts Apply Pay and Google Pay for online orders on their website and Apple Pay for orders placed through the app.
Note that if you want to use a Harris Teeter Charge Card or EBT to pay for your pickup order, you may be asked to visit the Customer Services Desk to complete your payment.
Good morning. While we are unable to accept tips, we would love to pass along your feedback to the Express Lane team and recognize them for doing a such great job! Would you mind sending us a private message with your VIC number, please? https://t.co/4ZiLaiA2ol
— Harris Teeter (@HarrisTeeter) July 27, 2020
Do You Tip Harris Teeter Pickup?
When ordering Harris Teeter pickup, you are not expected or encouraged to tip. Additionally, Harris Teeter employees will not accept tips, as the company has a no-tipping policy.
However, if you want to show your appreciation for Harris Teeter and its employees, you can simply thank them for the service you received and recommend them to friends and family.
How to Change or Cancel a Harris Teeter Pickup Order
If you want to make changes to your Harris Teeter pickup order, select the dropdown menu under your account name, and click the edit button. You can also cancel your Harris Teeter pickup order if it’s at least 4 hours before your pickup window.
When you start editing your pickup order, you’ll have a timer of 90 minutes to make your changes. If this timer runs out, your original order will be placed.
Once you’ve placed your changed order, your pickup time will remain the same, and your original payment will be refunded while the new total is charged to your chosen payment method.
If you are running late for your Harris Teeter pickup, make sure to share your location through the Harris Teeter app. This way, the store will have an accurate ETA and have your order ready, even if you’re late.
If you happen to miss your pickup window altogether, you will receive a refund from Harris Teeter. The processing for this refund may take up to 7-10 business days.
Harris Teeter’s ExpressLane is a great service for anyone in a hurry or who appreciates convenience.
Their intuitive app and website make placing pickup orders easy, and all you need to do is call or push a button when you arrive at pickup time, and your order will be brought to your car.
If you’re interested in finding out more grocery shopping tips, check out the related articles below.
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